Boston Sea Rovers, artificial light impacts on coral and other stuff

Online   Nov 20, 2019

Scuba Shack Weekly – Volume 2, Number 47

We are back from DEMA and had a fantastic three days looking at new products, travel opportunities, meeting with some interesting people from the dive community and talking to various organizations involved in ocean health and sustainability. It really gets us motivated for 2020 – stay tuned.

This week we have a couple of pool sessions for refreshers, discover scuba and some practice time. We also will be heading up to Boston Sea Rovers for the November meeting as we are now a little more three months away from the 66th annual clinic in March. Scuba Shack will again have a booth, coordinate the Public Safety workshop and conduct the Discover Scuba sessions at the show.

In one of my previous podcasts I discussed the impacts of artificial lighting on sea turtles. Now there is another impact – corals. There is a short article in Hakai Magazine that discusses this stress on corals. The article describes how artificial lights cause oxidative stress on corals which in turn make them more sensitive to climate change.

There is one week left to order your custom Scuba Shack hoodie. Order by Wednesday, Nov. 27 with an estimated shipping date of Dec. 6 to your door.

In case you haven't listened yet, my latest podcast is now available. I talk a little about our time at DEMA, synthetic clothing and take you to Little Cayman for Your Next Dive.

Thanks for tuning in.


