Another Open Water Class completed, Boston Sea Rovers Charter and more
Bill Mitlehner Aug 18, 2021
Scuba Shack Weekly - Volume 4 No. 155
Here we are midway through August and it won’t be long until we see those yellow buses back on the road taking the kids to school. Summer sure does go by quickly doesn’t it. And boy it really did feel like summer last week. I headed down to PA again to take care of some family business and it was really hot. Sure does beat the snow and ice though.
Over the weekend Ron and Bill completed another open water class. Plus we had quite a bit of activity on Sunday at the pool as a number of people were completing their tune-ups with Joel and Jay.
Also on Saturday, Monty was out diving with the Boston Sea Rovers. They completed a double-dip on the Chester Poling off of Cape Ann. The charter was with Cape Ann Diver 2 better known as CAD2. Looks like they had some great dives and there were quite a few pictures posted on Facebook by various participants. Just a reminder, we still have a couple of spots left for Monty’s charter to the Poling on September 30. Reserve your spot today.
Matt is at the pool today conducting a private open water session and later this evening Tom will be teaching Nitrox.
Our original schedule had us going to Dutch Springs this weekend but we decided to consolidate the August trip with the September 11 and 12 trip. We are definitely making that trip as it may just be the last time we get to dive at Dutch Springs. If you want to know more about what is going on listen to Wet Notes on Scuba Shack Radio for more information on what is going on with Dutch Springs.
That’s it for this week - take care.