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Bill Mitlehner   Oct 07, 2021

Scuba Shack Weekly - Volume 4 No. 162

We had an absolutely great trip to the 2021 Boston Sea Rovers 67th Clinic. I will be doing a detailed review of the show in the next episode of Scuba Shack Radio coming out on Monday October 11 - so stay tuned for that. Scuba Shack’s presence was certainly felt at the show. From coordinating the Public Safety workshop, to helping with tickets, setup, room monitoring, silent auction and film festival, our team did a fantastic job in supporting the Rovers. Special shout out to Ron who not only presented at the Public Safety Workshop, he also was a day-time speaker. It is very competitive to become a day-time speaker at Sea Rovers - Great Job Ron. And thanks to all the rest of the crew - Ned, Tom, Jay, and Bill who helped Monty, Matt, Donna and me at the show. A great weekend.

The Scuba Shack charter to the Chester Poling last Thursday was also a great success. The team had some good weather and good visibility. We sold out the boat. The crew led by Monty included both Mike’s (M and D), Bill, Alex, Ned, Zach, Tom, Jay, Ray, and Mark. If you want to know more about the Chester Poling, check out the segment I did on Scuba Shack Radio. Your Next Dive - Chester Poling.

Now that we have the Boston Sea Rovers show behind us, our attention turns to the Rescue Diver class. We always enjoy teaching the Rescue Diver course as it really is a lot of fun to go along with the hard-work. To start we’ll be conducting the Emergency First Response class this Saturday.

Even though we are now into October, that doesn’t mean we still aren’t holding classes. We’ve had a lot of interest from folks who want to get their confined water training done up here with Scuba Shack and then go someplace a little more exotic and warm to finish their certification. We are working on getting a class set up and hopefully will nail down the timeframe soon.

As for the podcast, I continue to work with Vurbl to promote scuba diving. Check it out -

Until next week - take care everyone.


