Busy Week - Ice diving and new classes start

Online   Mar 10, 2021

Scuba Shack Weekly – Volume 4, Number 10

Wow - only in New England can you get both the dead of winter and late spring in a single week. I’ll take the 60 degree weather any day.

It would be a serious understatement to say we had a very, very busy week here at Scuba Shack.

We started our Divemaster class with Bill, Dave, Zach and Jay. They are off and running. Orientation and our first lecture is complete. Thanks to Peter, Tom, and Ron for helping us as they make their way into the PADI Professional ranks.

Then on Thursday night Monty and Matt hosted our second drysuit seminar with Pete and Tor from DUI. If you live in New England you will certainly want to consider a drysuit and DUI is most certainly a superior brand.

On Friday night Mike and Ron started a Core Principles class with Nancy and Jill. It continued over Saturday and Sunday at the pool and finished up with a video review on Tuesday.

We made our way up to Mohawk Pond on both Saturday and Sunday to conduct the Ice Diver course with the Region 5 Dive Team. It was COLD with over 14 inches of ice. Congrats to Ray, Mike, Eric, Bob and Pete on becoming certified ice divers. And thanks to the whole crew including Monty, Matt, Chris, Tom, Bill, Jay, and Zach for braving the elements and allowing us to deliver an incredible experience. You can check out some of the pictures on the Scuba Shack Facebook page. Also - take a look at the video.

And if that is not busy enough, Matt and Monty presented their 2018 Tobermory video to SECONN on Tuesday night. The wrecks in Tobermory are spectacular and the video captures the cold and deep diving. Scuba Shack plans on going back in 2022 - stay tuned. There is more ice diving on tap along with more Divemaster training and we hope to start work on the flow bench this weekend.

Stay tuned. What a week!


