COVID-19 impacts
Online Mar 17, 2020
Scuba Shack Weekly – Volume 3, Number 12
Our lives have changed dramatically in the past week. Our national acceptance of this unprecedented pandemic will hopefully allow us to make informed and prudent decisions as we move forward. Be assured that Scuba Shack's primary focus right now is centered on health and safety. As we adjust to the COVID-19 outbreak, we will communicate as quickly as we can as things change at the shop.
We have canceled all of our classes in March and early April as well as the open house we had planned this weekend for underwater photography. We will communicate soonest on the late April and May schedules as information changes daily and we expect significant impacts next month as well.
We have also taken the precaution of canceling our Key Largo trip in April. While disappointing and a somewhat difficult decision to make, I feel like it was the best decision we could make given all of the uncertainty. Finally, we are adjusting our store hours temporarily while we deal with this crisis. Our temporary hours are:
- Monday thru Friday Noon to 6p
- Saturday 10am-4pm
- Sunday - Closed
- and by appointment!
We will still be monitoring voicemail and email during our regular hours. Next week I hope to get back to a more normal weekly update, even though we will be far from being normal again.
Please be safe and stay healthy.