Great Open Water Class, Intro to Snorkeling, and Scuba Shack Logo Gear

Bill Mitlehner   Mar 24, 2022

Scuba Shack Weekly - Volume 5 No. 186.

Hurray! It’s Spring! Time to put the snow and ice of winter behind us - hopefully. Last Friday was a great taste of what is to come. We had the garage door open and regretted not playing hooky and going out diving.

Over the weekend, Matt finished up our March Open Water class with two awesome pool sessions at the New Britain YMCA. Michael, Jared, Abigail, Jacob and Jennifer did a fantastic job completing all five of their confined water dives. They are ready for their open water certification dives. Thanks also to Ned, George and Mary for their assistance over the weekend.

On Saturday, Monty continued the IDC with Bill and Jay. They are working on their presentations. They also headed to the pool in the afternoon to finish up their swim and tread requirements while the instructor core of Monty, Mike, Tom and Rob lounged in the new chairs at the pool. It was quite the sight.

On Sunday I conducted our new Introduction to Snorkeling class with Linda and Ian. Turns out they are headed to the Galapagos in about a month and will be getting to snorkel from their small cruise ship. They were originally set to go in 2020 and Covid forced the delay until this year. They should have a lot of fun and adventure. Looking forward to seeing some of their pictures from the trip.

We just opened up our online store for Scuba Shack logo gear. We will continue to add products as we go along. Check it out.

Doubles class starts tonight.

Until next week, take care everyone.

