Happy Mother's Day, virtual training and the Southern Stingray

Online   May 07, 2020

Scuba Shack Weekly – Volume 3, Number 19

First of all this week, I want to wish all the moms out there Happy Mother's Day. This year's celebration is certainly different than in the past. Let's all hope next year we will be back to normal.

Last Saturday we were at the shop. It was a spectacular day and we did have some folks stop by to pick up gear that they had serviced. We were properly protected with facemasks, curb side pick-up, bagged equipment and staying six feet apart. We are also ensuring that our disinfecting protocols are outlined and we had a chance to start putting them in practice.

This week we had two virtual training sessions on Wednesday night. First, Deb conducted a Project Aware specialty class and Monty hosted a virtual public safety gear configuration with Pete Nowrocky from OMS/DUI. Thanks to everyone who attended.

This Saturday we are also conducting our first virtual Nitrox session. Monty and Ron have been busy shooting video to support the curriculum. There will most definitely be more of this in our future.

From all indications, it looks like we may be able to open again on May 20. We will be adjusting hours as we expect things to be different. We currently do not know when pools will be open again, so that will impact our classes going forward. Hopefully, we will be able to offer the PADI Underwater Naturalist certification class in Jamestown, RI on June 14 if their parks are open. More to come on that shortly as we need to be sure we can travel to RI.

Finally, the latest episode of the Fish and Things I've Found Underwater is available on Scuba Shack TV. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9V80VZH32yc


