New Open Water Divers, Dive Training Magazine on hiatus & water temps
Online Aug 27, 2020
Scuba Shack Weekly – Volume 3, Number 35
We had another great weekend of training. This time we were at Fort Wetherill in Jamestown and completed our first (believe it or not) open water certification dives of 2020. It was a long road back from the shut down and subsequent start up. Congratulations to our newest Scuba Shack divers - Marissa, Amanda, Matt, Scott, Alec, Heather, and Joe. We also want to thank our professional staff - Mike, Ron, Tom and Ian for helping Monty, Matt, Donna and me to make it a safe and fun weekend.
Jamie and Bill also made their way to Jamestown and completed four dives over Saturday and Sunday. Great drysuit diving guys.
We have started another Open Water class this week and will be back in the pool with four prospective divers in training this weekend. Ron is taking point on this class with Tom’s help.
It is hard to believe that this is the last edition of Scuba Shack Weekly for August 2020. We turn the calendar over to September in a few days and look forward to a break from the record setting heat this summer. We actually broke the record for 90 degree days in a year. Think we got to about 39 days. That’s hot! This heat has produced some warm water around these parts and with the cooler days coming ahead and warm water - we should have a great end to the Northeast dive season.
For those of you who enjoy Dive Training Magazine you should know that because of Covid-19 the magazine is on hiatus. Here is an article published last month explaining their reasoning. Let’s hope they are back soon. I really enjoy their articles and discussion.
Thanks for tuning in,