Ocean Cleanup success, Project Aware and new segment on Scuba Shack Radio
Online Oct 09, 2019
Scuba Shack Weekly – Volume 2, Number 41
Eleven days and counting until the Scuba Shack crew of 25 divers makes their way to Little Cayman. Can you guess that I am a little excited about the trip. Just remember Belize is right around the corner and booking now.
This week started out with Nitrox class with Alex on Monday night followed by our monthly practice pool session with a couple of Discover Scuba participants, Divemaster training and check outs of the Halcyon Traveler BC prior to the trip on Tuesday night. This coming Saturday - weather permitting - Monty and five other divers will make their way to Cape Ann for two dives on the wreck of the Chester Poling. Let's hope the weather holds this time.
The Ocean Cleanup is now operational. The press release from Oct. 2 indicates the system is successfully capturing plastic in the great Pacific garbage patch. They tried to do this last September and they had a rough time. They did their root cause analysis for the failure of the first system and after some additional learning they are now at sea and capturing plastic. Pretty impressive stuff. Let's hope it continues to improve and expand. Take a look at the video – WOW!
We are proud to be offering another Project Aware Specialty class on November 6, 2019. The revised Project AWARE Specialty course is an introduction to Project AWARE as a global movement for ocean protection. It focuses and expands on the 10 Tips for Divers to Protect the Ocean Planet to provide guidance and help you make a difference for ocean protection every time you dive, travel and more. Please give us a call to register for this class. Cost is $55 and includes your PADI Project Aware certification card.
In the latest episode of Scuba Shack Radio I introduced a new segment called Your Next Dive. I plan on making this a recurring segment featuring different dive locations and operators. While I have plenty of favorites, I am hoping to get input from our Scuba Shack faithful. If you have a favorite destination, please let me know and I will look to showcasing on an upcoming show.
Thanks for tuning in,