One year of Scuba Shack Weekly, Signs of hope for the ocean, more Scuba Shack Radio
Online Sep 04, 2019
Scuba Shack Weekly – Volume 2, Number 36
This edition of Scuba Shack Weekly is the one year anniversary of the weekly blog. Volume 1. No. 1 was published on September 5, 2018. I want to thank everyone who continues to read the blog and hope that it keeps you connected to the shop. You can still access that first edition in the archives on our website. If anyone is interested in reading that first blog, you can find it right here.
I hope you had a nice Labor Day holiday. We took a little break from the shop and relaxed a bit before hitting a very busy September. Let's recap what we've got going on in September – two open water classes, Stonington Point night dive, wreck class at Dutch Springs and Chester Poling, DIR intro at Dutch Springs, EFR class, Rescue Diver and open water certification dives at Fort Wetherill. That's a lot!
There is hope for our oceans. I am sure of it. I came across this article from the World Resource Institute that outlines six recent signs of hope for the ocean. With electric ferries, combating plastic in Indonesia and fighting illegal fishing in Southern Africa – 2020 is a year of hope.
Ever wonder where the term SCUBA came from? You might be surprised. Listen to the latest episode of Scuba Shack Radio for the answer.
Thanks for all of your support,