You want to dive with less effort, dive longer by using less gas, preserve visibility and protect fragile marine life. The Peak Performance Buouancy class will help you improve your diving skills and become more relaxed and confident. A great class to take right after your open water certification! Tanks and weights are not included.


PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Electronic Learning Sold Separately. 

Availability: Contact us for booking information

Do you want to be a more confident, competent and relaxed diver. Buoyancy control is your ticket to improving your enjoyment of the underwater world. Proper weighting, trim and propulsion help you to dive with less effort, use less gas, and more importantly protect the fragile marine environment. Good buoyancy is critical for a number of other underwater activities, including underwater photography, wreck diving, of becoming an underwater naturalist. Dial it in with the Peak Performance Buoyancy specialty.


Start your PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy online course today!


What Qualifications Do I Need to Start?

If you are at least 10 years old and certified as a PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver (or equivalent from another agency) you can enroll in the Peak Performance Buoyancy course.

How Does It Work?

You can start your PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy online course any time and then you can register on our website for one of our upcoming courses. After completing your online course, you will head out for your two Peak Performance Buoyancy dives. These dives typically happen on a Sunday at Fort Wetherill in Jamestown, RI. Other locations may be scheduled. You will meet your instructor at the dive site and begin with a review of proper weighting, trim and dive planning. You will then conduct your two dives and gain this valuable certification. The Peak Performance Buoyance certification also counts as one of your five dives for Advanced Open Water!

Do I Need My Own Equipment?

Yes - As a certified diver you are expected to own your own scuba equipment. With advanced notice, BCD, regulators, tanks, weights and wetsuits are available through Scuba Shack's Rental Program. Rental Terms & Conditions apply. Keep in mind, a key element of peak performance buoyancy is your equipment and the best way to dial in buoyancy is with your own gear. Plan to pick up your rental gear before class begins and return it before the end of business on Tuesday. (Scuba Shack is closed on Sunday and Monday.) Sorry - the Scuba Shack van can not accomodate the pick up and return of rental gear.)


What Do I Do Next?

Here are the steps you can follow:

1. Purchase your PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy online course here.

2. Sign up for one of our upcoming classes online.

3. Get your gear together.

4. Be prepared to improve your buoyancy skills and have more fun!

Is There Anything Else?

Yes - everyone who takes the PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Class must complete a Diver Medical Participant Questionnaire. Based on your responses, you may be required to have your physician clear you for recreational scuba diving. A fully completed medical questionnaire is an absolute requirement prior to any in-water activity with Scuba Shack


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